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Mountain View is a body of believers looking forward to the 2nd Coming of Jesus. We are passionate about the Kingdom that Christ Jesus promised and we thus follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The Holy Bible is our language of instruction without any amendments.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stewardship/ Tresuary

Many people today know God's position in their financial lives and hence do not temper with tithe. The current problem is that members do not offer much for local use let alone second tithe, hence periodic stewardship programmes have caused much change to the church whose majority is not employed, while those who are, do not earn much to see the church meeting its needs let alone building which is a mojor project.

The Stewardship Department was organized to help members become effective stewards and to assist in the implementation of God’s plan of systematic benevolence throughout the church. Since stewardship responsibility includes the proper management of the entire life, stewardship concepts encourage the proper care and use of the body temple, time, abilities, and material possessions. The department gives assistance in the planning and organization of church resources for a completed work. Its spiritual and financial objectives are summarized in the following statement: “When they shall arouse and lay their prayers, their wealth, and all their energies and resources at the feet of Jesus, the cause of truth will triumph.”—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 475.

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