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Mountain View is a body of believers looking forward to the 2nd Coming of Jesus. We are passionate about the Kingdom that Christ Jesus promised and we thus follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The Holy Bible is our language of instruction without any amendments.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dorcas (Community service)

Community Services/Dorcas Society—The Community Services/ Dorcas Society is an important feature of the outreach (missionary) activities of the church. The leader of this society, the assistant leader (if needed), and the secretary-treasurer are elected at the regular church election. This society gathers and prepares clothing, food, and other supplies for the poor, needy, and unfortunate. This organization works in close cooperation with the deacons and deaconesses of the church.
Community Services/Dorcas ministry, however, includes more than giving material aid; it encompasses also adult education, visiting, homemaking, home nursing, counseling, and other services. The church Personal Ministries Department has primary responsibility for this work.

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