About Me

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Mountain View is a body of believers looking forward to the 2nd Coming of Jesus. We are passionate about the Kingdom that Christ Jesus promised and we thus follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The Holy Bible is our language of instruction without any amendments.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Who we are....

We are a member of the world wide Seventh-Day Advestist, centered in the township of Yeoville,Johannesburg, South Africa. Our altimate hope lies on the promise of our soon coming Saviour Jesus Christ.

We have grown in Christ and in numbers such that the current rented place no longer accommodates us. Therefore we have dicided to build a sanctuary, The intended church is to carry an average of 750 people

For more details please go to Building departmentBuilding department

Family Ministries Department

The overarching objective of Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for close relationships with God and with other human beings is developed. Family Ministries is a ministry of grace which acknowledges as normative the biblical teachings relating to the family and holds high God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in a fallen world. Thus Family Ministries seeks to enable families to stretch toward divine ideals, while at the same time ever extending the good news of God’s saving grace and the promise of growth possible through the indwelling Spirit. Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is concerned with the needs of married couples, parents and children, the family needs of singles, and all members of the wider family circle as they pass through life’s predictable stages and contend with unexpected changes in their lives. Family Ministries reinforces and encourages wholesome families. It helps individuals build and maintain strong family relationships because it recognizes that healthy Christian families make strong members for the kingdom of God and present a winsome witness to the community around them. Family Ministries promotes understanding, acceptance, and love within the family and in the larger family of God and fosters the reconciliation and healing between the generations promised in the Elijah message of Malachi 4:5, 6. It extends hope and support to those who have been injured and hurt by abuse, family dysfunction, and broken relationships.

Family Ministries fosters competence in a variety of interpersonal skills needed in relationships. It provides growth opportunities through family life education and enrichment. It encourages individuals, married couples, and families to avail themselves of professional counseling when necessary. An adequate ministry to families will include: premarital guidance available to all couples before marriage; marriage strengthening opportunities; parent education, with attention given to the special needs of single parents and stepfamilies; instruction in family to family evangelism; and support ministries to help families with special needs.